Regulatory reporting platform for the financial sector

The financial regulatory space is a rapidly moving target that has developed a stealth capability. That is to say, it’s difficult to identify, let alone hit what is required of any firm operating in this space. This was particularly true of MiFID II, the latest and greatest to come out of the EU. Months since MiFID II went live, there are still conflicting interpretations of what is required to be compliant. Many investment firms are still struggling to implement the technology necessary and in the meantime, are unable to meet all of their obligations. Oktris came into existence to plug the gaps in the product portfolio of existing regulatory reporting firms, and a desire to offer the industry a responsive reporting solutions provider.

Oktris make MDP Reporting easy

Oktris came into existence to plug the gaps in the product portfolio of existing regulatory reporting firms, and a desire to offer the industry a responsive reporting solutions provider

“I formed Oktris after working on MiFID II for the better part of a year. I saw a gap, and whilst I am very surprised no-one has yet filled it 5 months after MiFID II go live, it’s too simple to close that gap not to do it”


Why choose us?


Service like it used to be before automated phone menu systems, and offshoring of support desks. Where customers are listened to, products are improved for customer benefit and problems solved. All with small company agility


From the order or trade generating the event, through to processing the response back from the regulators – with each stage of the journey clearly visible, and controllable


The Oktris solution requires customers to provide the minimal set of data in order to generate the complete report – often only a single field


Graphical overview of each stage of reporting – confirmations of generation,
submission and response, along with scheduling.
Can also generate reports on the reports!


Generates reports in the specified ESMA & NCA MiFID II formats, submits them and processes the regulator responses. Always up to date with the current formats


Set it up. Forget about it.

Work with us

We like hearing from people with an interest in what we do. Be it discussing career opportunities, learning the future direction the market would like us to take with our products, collaborating with regulators and other reporting firms, or developing partnerships with investors to help improve the Oktris offering further. We’d love to hear from you.